Wind Ensemble
Wind Ensemble Meets During the School day for the Spring Semester! See your Counselor to sign up!
Additionally, we will rehearse on Wednesdays from:
3:15 - 4:45pm on Even Days (2,4,6)
2:30 - 4:00pm on Odd Days (1,3,5)
**Dates Subject to Change**
For specific dates & times, see the CALENDAR above!
***Please note for distance learning our schedule is modified
Course Description
Wind Ensemble is available to all High School students. Students in this course will perform some of the most recognized pieces in the Band literature as well as music by current up and coming composers. The course will focus on improving the overall musicianship of the individual as well as the ensemble as a whole.
Wind Ensemble will perform 4-6 times each year, including 1-3 festivals.
Students will use the book: Superior Band in Sixteen Weeks (White)