J a z z C o m b o s
The Jazz Combos will meet on Tuesday & Thursday for 2 hours. Beginning at 2:15p on Odd # days, and 3:15p on Even # days (Subject to change)
Jazz Combos Syllabus
(This is a link)

Course Description
This course will be an in-depth study of advanced instrumental techniques as they relate to instrumental and contemporary jazz literature. Topics will include literature of contemporary and traditional jazz and pop styles. Jazz History & Theory will also be addressed in depth. Other aspects of this course will include participation in local concerts, festivals and community activities.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
Read and understand multiple jazz styles.
Sight-read jazz music at a proficient level.
Able to understand to jazz terminology.
Able to understand jazz symbols.
Understand and perform basic ii V7 I patterns in basic keys.
Understand and perform blues progressions.
Understand and perform intermediate improvised solos.
Able to perform basic blues solo in two or more keys.
2020 Information
Jazz Combos first rehearsals will be on Thursday 8/13/20 from 2:15 - 4:15pm in the Band Room. Bring your Instrument! All are welcome!
There are 2 Jazz Combos. All are welcome in Jazz II
Jazz I members will be selected near the end of August.
Jazz Combo (Jazz Studies) IS a credited course:
All students who are interested in taking Jazz Studies, for the 2020-2021 school year must complete the appropriate form on the Chaminade website. These courses are graded and will appear on the student’s transcript. Go to “Forms” via this link: https://nc.chaminade.org/studentforms Students will need their Netclassroom login to access the form.